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Mickaël Dufourneaud at TEDx - What is the Persister Type?
Mickaël Dufourneaud at TEDx - What is the Thinker Type?
Mickaël Dufourneaud at TEDx - What is the Harmonizer Type?
Mickaël Dufourneaud at TEDx - What is the Imaginer Type?
Mickaël Dufourneaud at TEDx - What is the Promoter Type?
The Process Communication Model | Mickaël Dufourneaud | TEDxEDHECBusinessSchool
Mickaël Dufourneaud at TEDx - What is the Rebel Type?
The Persister Personality Type
Process Communication Model- Introducing the Imaginer Personality type
Se comprendre pour se faire comprendre | Mickael DUFOURNEAUD | TEDxLannion
Discovering Process Communication Model (PCM) Series - Video 4: The Persister Personality Type
Process Communication Model Personality Type Series: Persister